Sensors Adjust Lights Real-Time

A Danish lab is testing smart sensor tech to make city lighting more efficient. How much could your city save from efficient lighting improvements?


What Happened?

A suburb of Copenhagen is testing out new lighting technology that leverages smart data to ensure high energy efficiency and reduced costs. The city is integrating smart data into LED lighting fixtures to have greater control over energy consumption.


The Danish Outdoor Lighting Lab (DOLL) takes place in Hersted, just outside of Copenhagen, and is experimenting with LED technology to make city lighting smarter and more efficient. The new light fixtures have sensors that enable changes to be made almost instantly. Those controlling the smart data sensors are able to collect information throughout the community and adjust lighting to meet demands while reducing wasted energy, Fast Coexist reported.

The lab is designed to compare solutions and find the most energy-efficient combination of technologies, as well as aid technology startups focused on green innovations to improve their offerings with access to state-of-the-art equipment and space, Fast Coexist reported.

The DOLL Details

The technology lab features smart sensors that automatically create a bright halo around a pedestrian, bicyclist or car when it enters a specific space. The area on the street with no activity has much dimmer lighting to save energy.

Every technology involved in the lab has its own IP address and submits unique data to a control room where the information is analyzed. Control room researchers can also send information directly to each technology to control its behavior through smart data.

The researchers selected light fixtures as the medium for housing and running smart data technologies because they are staples in a community and widely dispersed. By adding smart sensors to the lights, cities can collect detailed information and to support real-time decisions on how best to address a problem or provide services more effectively.

The lab experiment is testing and comparing technology from 25 different companies to see which solutions work best together to provide enough lighting while improving efficiency and cost savings. Next year, Copenhagen plans to install 21,000 smart street lights based on the results of the lab tests as part of its goal to be carbon neutral by 2025.

New Jersey Solar Rail

New Jersey is experimenting with green technologies as well with plans to install a solar-powered, suspended carriage rail system called J-Pods. The goal of the solar-powered rail is to offer alternative transit options in areas with high demand and passenger congestion. The rail hover above major roadways and will offer access to popular destinations, allowing commuters to stick to a familiar route while opting for a low emissions mode of transit, Giz Mag reported.

The J-Pods is different from other rail systems in that it moves individual carriage units large enough for a handful of passengers throughout its network. Each pod is controlled autonomously from the rest and can be navigated to a variety of destinations within the network, rather than being limited to a single path. Passengers do not have to wait for a carriage to arrive at a specific time, but rather hop an available one and select a destination.

The Latest Transit Tech

Gov1 has followed an increasing number of transit-related tech innovations, as well as the financial assistance used to complete these projects.