Massachusetts Supports Shared Services at Local Level

A big focus will be combining IT systems and increasing efficiencies in hopes of saving schools tens of thousands of dollars


By Jim Levulis


Making a rare visit to the western reaches of the state, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced an agreement between 17 towns and six school districts in southern Berkshire County to consolidate services.

“I had three goals when this all started about a year and a half ago,” said State Representative Smitty Pignatelli. “Maintain our individual identities, enhance and increase services across school districts and town boundary lines and provide taxpayer relief. I believed it then. I believe it even stronger today.”

Pignatelli represents most of the towns and schools signing the agreement Tuesday as a member of the Massachusetts House.

“This is an exciting day,” Pignatelli said. “I told the governor, this is a historical day. The fact that 17 towns and six school districts have all agreed to the exact same language is unprecedented I think anywhere in Massachusetts, but certainly as a former county commissioner…unheard of.”

Read full coverage here.