$3M in Montana Emergency Management Grants

Montana emergency management grants are available to help agencies and governments improve terrorism and catastrophic security capacity.


Montana Disaster and Emergency Services has $3 million for local governments and agencies to develop, build and sustain core emergency management capabilities. Montana emergency management grants support resilience in prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery efforts.

The grant funding can be used to help Montana agencies, municipalities and tribal governments:

  • Complete Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)
  • Strengthen governance integration
  • Develop approved emergency plans
  • Create and maintain multi-year Training and Exercise Plans (TEPs)
  • Target training and verification of personnel capabilities
  • Implement whole community approaches to security and emergency management

Applications are due by March 24, 2017.

There is a 50 percent match requirement.

Additionally, Montana municipalities may also apply by March 3, 2017, for the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP). According to the state’s SHSP program guidance document, the funding amount the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) program will disperse for Montana emergency management needs for financial year 2017 is unknown. However, SHSP funding is expected to be available no later than September 30, 2017. In 2016, FEMA was allocated $402 million in SHSP funds to disperse to states and territories.

Learn more and apply for Montana emergency management grants on FundingMT.org.